Trans Rights Readathon (March 22nd – 29th, 2024)

The #TransRightsReadathon is back from March 22nd to March 29th!

New this year, the Trans Rights Readathon is being run by a group of creators who have a website full of information and graphics to be used! Be sure to follow them on social media!

Don’t forget that I have a masterlist of LGBTQ+ books where you can filter by genre, age group, identity, and relationship. This is 100% free to use and any filters you create won’t affect anyone else, so feel free to mess around.

Authors are also welcome to submit their books to be added to the list via the submission form. 🙂 🏳️‍🌈

The Trans Rights Readathon, will take place from March 20th to March 27th, 2023, and is a week-long event that encourages people to read books with transgender main characters, books by transgender authors, and raise funds for trans organizations that support and advocate for the trans community.

One of the great things about this event is that each creator has the opportunity to run their own mini-fundraisers and readathons where people can pledge, whether by the page or by the book. Individuals are able to decide which organization (or individual) they would like to support.

People who can’t donate financially can ask friends and followers to pledge, or they can spread awareness while supporting trans books, creators, and authors! Posts can be made on all social media sites with the hashtag #TransRightsReadathon or #TRR24 to get the word out.

I will be trying to boost more trans books during that week. If you would like to look at some of my previous book recs with trans main characters, you can check out the transgender book rec section of my blog.

  1. Sign Up – Sim has included a signup link in their bio on TikTok, so be sure to check it out and sign-up!
  2. Determine Where You’re Supporting – This could be a trans organization or individual. This could be a friend, a local organization, or national! Also determine how you’re supporting, whether you will be donating financially or just raising awareness.
  3. Setup a Fundraising Site (optional) – If you want to encourage people to donate to a certain organization or pledge a dollar amount per book/page read, set up a site! Sim will be using Pledge It.
  4. Make Content – Use the hashtag #TransRightsReadathon and make content across social media platforms about the event! Share book recs, information, and if people are donating directly to you, share receipts when you deposit to the organization!
  5. Support Each Other – Boost trans creators, follow them, stitch their videos, search out the hashtag and hype those posts up!

Personally, I’m unsure of which organization I will focus on, but I know I definitely will be taking the time to make content and read some amazing trans books!

How about you? How do you plan to support the #TransRightsReadathon? Any book recommendations you would like to share?

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